

Lakhóta music

I've transcribed a sample of a traditional Lakhóta song into music notation and I've also converted the writing system used for the Lakhóta text into the Colorado University Lakhóta Program method for writing the Lakhóta language.

A challenge of making this material available is to find a format that would combine the music notation of the melody and also provide the Lakhóta words and the English translation in an easy and practical way.

The sheet music can be distributed for printing by using the Adobe Acrobat format sample here (you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader). However, this particular file is locked. While it can be viewed online and downloaded, it cannot be printed out.

In order to properly view the lyrics, you will have to download and install a font for the pc. The info is here.

I have enabled document protection options. Lyrics that appear in the text-only player window cannot be copied and saved.
Also, the document can be downloaded to a local computer and saved by clicking on the "Save" button but it cannot be opened without a password.